The Poster Drum
Our lovely Millenium Poster Drum is situated just outside Cookham station. It recently had a make-over with minor repairs, a lick of paint and now accepts all non-profit posters for free. Local businesses are welcome to add A4 posters for a nominal fee of just £5.00 for 3 months or £15.00 for a year. Larger posters can be accommodated. Payment by bank transfer direct to the Cookham Society.
We welcome regular kids' paintings too. The theme is 'anything Cookham'. No prizes - it's just for fun!
For further details and to advertise on the drum please contact Barry
Just unearthed - some Poster Drum history.
The Society decided that something special was required to mark the Millenium and fund raising events were organised to pay for it. The Poster Drum was purchased from Leander Architectural Ltd on 12th July 2000 at a cost of £3370.49. Early comments were that it looked like it had arrived from outer space so that was possibly why it was opened by local celebrity Chris Brown, alias Chris Barrie the actor from sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf!
Our then chairman John Bowley with actor Chris Barrie.